Monday, February 25, 2013

Week 4

Week 4

Journal Entry 13 

1.) GOAL: To bring my grade up.
2.) My Biggest Time-Wasters: Twitter, Youtube, PS3, Netflix, & Watching TV.
3.) NO
5.) Item Ive procrastinated forever: Designing & sewing my own outfit.
6.) Blocks:
  • Read up to chapter 24
  • Excercise
  • Babysitt
  • Go see my aunt
  • Get a sewing machine
  • Put music on my nook
  • Paint my nails
  • Plan out seeing my sister when she comes back for spring break
  • Curl my hair
7.) Identify a fear that is holding you back from reaching your goals. Decide right now to jump outside your comfort zone and stop letting that fear get the best of you.

Fear thats holding me back: The fear that I cant succeed.

8.) How much impact does peer pressure have on you? Identify the person or people who have the most influence upon you. Ask yourself, "Am I doing what I want to do or what they want me to do?"

Person or people who most influence me: My sister Ashley. My sister in-law Olivia, My cousin Tamishia. My friend Kayla.

Journal 14

1.) Keep promises Example: If I promise my little cousin that im going to get her tickets to a live Dora show next month & then I do just that.
2.) Do small acts of kindness Example: If I clean up my moms room for her.
3.) Be loyal Example: If my volleyball team is broke but I have friends up there but theres a richer new volleyball team and was recruiting people and they chose me but I decided to stay with my team.
4.) Listen Examle: If my sister comes home & says she has a bad day & decides to tell me about it so I stop what im doing to listen to her.
5.) Say yourre sorry Example: If me and my sister are arguing and I start yelling & I say im sorry.
6.) Set clear expectations  Example: Like if I tell my mom that I want her to stop smoking because im really worried about her & I give a speech on how I feel and help her make a plan.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Week 1

Week 1

Journal Entry #1
Get In The Habit

1.) What are some habits you have that help you do well in school? I usually try to keep a schedule to do my homework. I'm creative when it comes to projects. I`m determined.

2.) Are there new habits that would help you do a better job at school?Yes

3.) What are they? I could be more organized, keep a precise schedule, study a lot more, & not procrastinate.

 Journal Entry #2
Paradigms & Principles 

The music/lyrics that I listen to most frequently does match my values and what I believe in. 

Journal Entry #3
Person Bank Account 

Keep promises to yourself
  • To keep promises to myself I could take baby steps to make decisions.
  • I could start by making very small promises to myself.
  • Then I could escalate to making bigger promises to myself when I know that I can make a promise to myself & keep it. 
Do small acts of kindness
  •  I could start by doing things for other people.
  • Then I do nice things for people I know. 
  • I could also volunteer for something to help people outside of school.
Be gentle with yourself
  • I could stay away from people &/or things that stress me out.
  • I could also not beat myself up. 
  • Lastly I could try to have a more positive outlook on life. 

Be Honest 
  • I could try to develop a better relationship with certain people.
  • I could be honest more honest with people & stop being scared to be myself.

Renew yourself 

  • I could develop a new way of releasing stress.
  • I could also apply that releasing of stress to my morals and change them giving me a new outlook on life. 

Tap into your talents

  • I could try to explore new sports, hobbies, places, activities, & clubs to try to find myself. 
  • I could also try to take those talents to a new level live I'm good sewing maybe I start designing my own clothes & outfits.


Academic Goals

1. Graduate High School
2. Graduate College

Non-academic Goals

1. Get My liscense and buy my own car
2. Build a portfolio for Designing or my own business

Short term goals (Steps to completion):

1. Volunteer at Rex Hospital
2. Get a Job
3. Not to fail any classes this semester
4. Work on my Designing
5. Lose weight

Week 2


Journal Entry #4

1.) What are some ways being proactive can help in school situations?
It can help you deal with your friends, teachers, grades, and with yourself.

Stop the Cycle

What is the author trying to teach the reader?
I think the author is trying to teach the reader that if something doesnt work out the first time do not keep doing it and expecting a diferent outcome because that is insanity. Also that if you are going to do something and it goes wrong to take responsibility for it.

Stop the Cyle

  1.  One habit that has been passed down to me that I would like to change or improve is: Not many people in my family go to or finish college and if they do they dont use their degree to the best of their ability.
  2. The history of that bad habit is:(Describe where it came from & how it has affected your family`s life.)  I dont know much about my families history and my grandma died before i was born but i dont know whether or not she went to college i dont think so my aunts did my mom went but then she dropped out of college. Now my older cousins both got pregnant or got someone pregnant they both have two kids and one of them are in college now but the other didnt bother it wasnt because of his kids though the guys in the family have a lot of trouble taking school seriously (sometimes i do too).
  3. This bad habit has affected my life in these ways: It makes it harder to know what to do to prepare to go to college. It makes it harder for me to be the first one to actually have the experience of going to college. My sister is actually going to college not like my aunt or my cousin on the computer but she is commuting.
  4. By changing that bad habit, my life will be different in these ways: I will be doing something I love instead of working for the state. It would give me more options & more stability in my life.
  5. To change that habit, I can do the following every day:(Describe your actions.) Take school more seriously. Prepare for college early and try not to get distracted. 

 Human Tools:

1. Self-Awareness- Knowing who you are, your limits, your thoughts & beliefs.
2. Conscience-Some part of your brain that knows right from wrong.
3. Imagination- Your Creativity.
4. Willpower -The power to make your own choices based on you.